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Cosmonaut Aleksander Viktorenko wore this glove on five spacewalks during his five-month stay aboard the Mir space station in 1989-1990. He autographed the glove and presented it to Aleksei Leonov in honor of the 25th anniversary of Leonov's historic 1965 achievement, the first spacewalk.

Lent by the Museum of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Center, Star City, Russia

95 k jpeg
SI#: 97-16265-10


U.S. astronaut Norman Thagard wore this space suit as the first American to be launched on a Russian spacecraft. He arrived at the Mir space station aboard Soyuz TM-21 in 1995 and spent almost four months there as a member of the Mir 18 crew.

The Sokol ("Falcon") space suit was designed in the early 1970s to protect cosmonauts during launch and landing or unexpected emergencies. The plugs and tubes extending from the suit connect to life-support systems built into the spacecraft.

This suit was custom-made for Thagard. Notice the insignia of the Mir space station mission, as well as the U.S. flag and his name in English and Russian.

Manufacturer: Zvezda

Transferred from NASA

Sokol KV-2 spacesuit
68 k jpeg
SI#: 97-15146


Astronaut Norman Thagard used this couch during his launch aboard Soyuz TM-21 and reentry on the Space Shuttle. Unlike U.S. astronauts, who are typically seated in an upright position, cosmonauts have always ridden into space and back in a semi-reclined position in a form-fitted couch. The couches are designed and tilted to minimize the effects of high acceleration and deceleration forces during launch and reentry.

This position is especially comfortable after long stays in space. In the International Space Station era, all travelers to the orbital station will be fitted for similar couches.

Manufacturer: Zvezda

Transferred from NASA

antigravity seat
128 k jpeg
SI#: 97-15146

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